Tuesday 5 May 2015

My birth story

On February the 20th of last year I had my 38 week antenatal checkup with the midwives. For the first time baby was engaged. While there I was told I was positive to strep b. I was shocked and scared. My pregnancy had been pretty smooth only really had morning sickness from 8weeks until about 5 months. Anyway the midwife gave me an information sheet about strep b. 
I went home and was feeling very nervous about having strep b. 
My appointment that night was at 6pm. Friday the 21st at 4am I woke with the urge to go to the bathroom. I luckily made it just before my water broke.
I woke poor hubby up and made him call the hospital. They asked me to make my way in. Due to the fact of my water breaking and having strep b I needed to get on antibiotics to stop from passing sickness to my baby.
We got to the hospital at about 5 am where they confirmed my water had broke. While in the observation room, hubby called my mum, his mum, my dad and his dad to let them know. I was put on a moniter to keep an eye on bubs and my contractions. At about 7am my mum arrived and at 8am the decision was made to induce me. So I was transferred to a labour room and hooked up to antibiotics and the medicine used to induce me. 
9am I had my first check for dilation and I was 3cm. 
I tried the gas as the contratcond were getting harder but just felt dizzy and sick after two puffs.
12pm they checked my dilation and I was 7cm due to the fact that I wanted to push. They told me I was not allowed to push.
12:26pm they checked me again as I was feeling the urge to push and could not stop it. I was fully dilated.
An hour of pushing and screaming and the burning ring of fire my son was born.
The cord was wrapped around his neck twice so they had to clamp his cord. Which I had wanted to do delayed clamping.  Anyway I had skin to skin with my son as we waited for the senior midwife come to stitch me up. Well it took her over an hour and when she checked me she said my tearing was too deep a doctor needed to stitch me up. Awesomely. So then we had to wait for the doctor to come. All the while losing blood! So the doctor came at 4:40pm and when he checked me it was so painful that I was shaking. I needed surgery to stitch me up!! 
It was sooo scary thinking I had to have surgery and leave my newborn son. I didn't get into the or until 5:30pm four hours after I had my son. I got back to the ward at 8:30pm and was finally able to hold my son again. 
I had a lot of trouble breast feeding and became really upset and stressed out due to it. So on Monday morning hubby and I decided to give formula to my son as at least he was eating and putting his birth weight back on. Monday night after begging the best midwife I had to go home, we returned home as a family of 3. 

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