Monday 2 November 2015

Too long since the last post

It's been so long since I last posted. It's because I've been crazy busy being mumma to a clingy lil boy. Lil man Z is now 21 months old. 

Milestones he has reached now
- no more baby bottles he uses sippy cups for his drinks including milk drinks
- he is starting to use a cup to drink out of
- he can blow bubbles in swim class
- he's starting to kick his legs in swim class
- he can climb in and out of the pool unassisted
- he can hold onto the wall at swim class and is starting to monkey crawl alongside the wall
- words he can say-
-nana (banana)
-papa (puppy)
-what that
-no more
-one more

-getting better at using a fork
-can build a tower with wooden blocks
-can build a tower with duplo blocks
- can point to his eye, head, hair, ear, nose, mouth, belly, toe, hands

-starting to kick a ball with his foot

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