Sunday 26 April 2015

How I met my husband

The year 2000, was the year both my hubby and I started high school. It wasn't until 2001 that we met. I used to get to school so early ( I hate being late anywhere) I used to sit on steps waiting for my friends. There was also another girl who got to school early and she sat next to the steps on a rail. We started talking and became friends. Talking every morning. (She became my best friend) Anyway said friend and her friends were friends with a boy named Mr L (future hubby). Eventually I started hanging around with my friend and her group of friends. So from about 2002 onwards I became friends with Mr L.By the time we reached year 10 (2003), Mr L started catching the same bus as me in the morning, so every morning on the bus ride to school we talked. 
In year 11 he chose community and family studies which was a class full of girls except Mr L! Lol!
Mid way through year 12 out of the blue one morning before all of our friends came to school he plucked up the courage to ask me to the year 12 formal. 
As to this being out of the blue I was shocked and blubbered off a no response. Poor Mr L. 
As the months went on I started to think about Mr L and wanting to having a relationship with him. But then boom he got another girlfriend. So poor me then.
So we graduated high school and we all drifted off in our own ways. 
So four years later on in September 2009 I got a friend request on facebook from who else but Mr L. I of course accepted as I wanted to spy and see what he was up to in his life.
He asked for my number and we began texting and talking numerous times a day. Unfortunately we now lived in different states. In December 2009 he flew down and we caught up and went on our first date and started dating. 
It was a hard long distance relationship based on text, calls and trips back and forth until early 2011 when we made the choice for him to move back to be whit me. He moved into my mums place as that was were I was living. 2012 in April Mr L's grandfather became quite sick and of course I left work to be with Mr L at the hospital. That night while we were there he passed. It was hard to see Mr L have to go through this. A few weeks later on April 21st he proposed to me and I of course said yes. On the 10th of August 2013 we officially tied the knot!! 

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