So we stopped at Coles due to the fact we were away the whole weekend and didn't want to go past home to grab some essentials. Anyway it ended up opening my eyes to the fact that you can get cheap items at Coles that save you money.
We need some pasta, we were in the pasta aisle when I was drawn to the Coles brand of dinosaur pasta. I was drawn to it by the colourful dinosaurs on the packaging and to my surprise it was so cheap neither hubby nor I could go past it. Even though Mr Z is only one!! When I was a kid I always wanted to have the shaped pasta, but it was like $3/$4 a packet. This pack of dinosaur pasta was $0.95!!! Less then a dollar!! Who could pass that up. I am so excited to cook these for my son and will definitely continue to buy these for Mr Z.

Woohoo first review and got some Twitter love from @Coles